Fields of work
Bohinc Law Office
Hacetova ulica 9
1000 Ljubljana

Telephone: +386 1 232 20 34
Fax: +386 1 232 20 35

Prior notice is required by telephone or e-mail to arrange a meeting. 
Corporate law
  • We act as a "service" to large and medium-sized companies and to small enterprises and sole traders in terms of setting their legal status (corporation) in order and registration issues (mergers, transformations, demergers, transfer of property, and the structure of contracts on control, the transfer of profit and other enterprise agreements for the associated companies of a group).
  • We issue legal opinions and counsel supervisory boards and boards of directors with respect to their position in carrying out the function of supervision over a company's operations. We draft the expert bases for their decision making.
  • We also represent the partners (legal entities and individuals) of individual companies and shareholders in the assertion of their interests in a company, and are authorised to attend the general meeting of companies on their behalf.
  • We file claims for damages on behalf of a company that has suffered damages and/or its shareholders or partners in the event of illegal acts by management, the management board or its members, or by the supervisory board or board of directors. In the event of criminal acts of an "economic nature", we file criminal complaints or proposals for the prosecution of the perpetrator of a crime
  • We file the following motions on behalf of the minority shareholders and partners of companies: motions challenging and nullifying the resolutions of companies' general meetings (e.g. decisions regarding the use of distributable profit, on increases and decreases of capital, regarding the approval of annual reports, etc.).
  • We also file motions owing to the exclusion or withdrawal of a partner(s) from a limited liability company on behalf of its partners.
  • We carry out special or extraordinary audits of companies on behalf of shareholders in cooperation with audit firms.